
Tournament events 1vs1 ROTR 1.86 Tournament


Guys?gl hf,please demonstaration cool battle :D by ShoguN Match Dell - USA_Bruce


When will you play guys? by strikershockwave Match Dell - USA_Bruce
When guys?! by strikershockwave Match Marakar - RikerZZZ


Hey when we play? by Marakar Match Dell - Marakar


2nd match: [url][/url]
3rd: [url][/url]
4th: [url][/url]
PLAYLIST: [url][/url] by strikershockwave Match RikerZZZ - Xeres


The tournament deadline is 18th January!!! by strikershockwave Match Dell - Marakar
Gentlemen, January 18 ends the tournament! by strikershockwave Match USA_Bruce - RikerZZZ


So we got the game done, It was fun.

The first game Spec quit early on...This is more like a 4-1 or a 3-0.

He quit because of a bug or something, his english isnt great so I didnt understand fully.Either way I let him play one more game for the sake of it :) by USA_Bruce Match SpeCoV1k - USA_Bruce
When guys? by strikershockwave Match SpeCoV1k - USA_Bruce


[quote name="Dell"]Мы благополучно забыли что первая карта должна быть тоурнамент дезерт)).

We forgot that 1st map must be TD[/quote]

First map must not be TD.
[b]-Maps: 1st Match You and your opponent agree to choose one of the maps from the list below[/b] by strikershockwave Match Skitt - Dell


Мы благополучно забыли что первая карта должна быть тоурнамент дезерт)).

We forgot that 1st map must be TD by Dell Match Skitt - Dell


Tomorrow is the 1/4 deadline by strikershockwave Match Skitt - Dell


Hey guys. In 2nd match, North Ameriz [ZH] isn't in the map list.... Then it should be considered 2-0!
And tournament map also is not! The version that is in the map list is the TD NoBugs Cars ZH v1 But I will consider the game! Do not repeat these mistakes again ok! by strikershockwave Match Askarbek - Skitt