Domi is Bestherb cowardi Possibility dont come in final by GeDiRcOHOwN Match HerB - -DoMiNaToR-
herbyyy:( by boycah Match HerB - -DoMiNaToR-
ggs played terrible lol by HerB Match HerB - -DoMiNaToR-
ggs wp by -DoMiNaToR- Match HerB - -DoMiNaToR-
cool, confirmed 1pm GMT sunday. could do earlier too if possible, give me a message on skype by HerB Match HerB - -DoMiNaToR-
k sunday 1pm gmt is cool by -DoMiNaToR- Match HerB - -DoMiNaToR-
lets play this saturday or sunday anytime from 9am GMT to 1pm GMT. i'm awaiting on ur reply. by HerB Match HerB - -DoMiNaToR-
yo herb we play this coming saturday at 1am or 2am GMT? Technically it will be sunday morning for me. let me know, want to finish this one by -DoMiNaToR- Match HerB - -DoMiNaToR-
ez katochka :lol: by DustyRhodes Match Ruiz - Curious
we play saturday 2am GMT as agree in skype. cheers by -DoMiNaToR- Match HerB - -DoMiNaToR-
can't do mid-day. can we do mid-day tomorrow ur time? any time from 9am ur time til 2pm ur time really. by HerB Match HerB - -DoMiNaToR-
yo herb when we play? I can play this weekend preferably in the evening like 22:00 GMT which i think its about 11am for you. I can play later like 23:00 GMT, 00:00 GMT, 01:00 GMT which would cover all mid-day for you. by -DoMiNaToR- Match HerB - -DoMiNaToR-
dominator win :) by asus Match HerB - -DoMiNaToR-
calm down im not that terrible player :-) by Curious Match Curious - -DoMiNaToR-
ggs some bad play from me by -DoMiNaToR- Match Curious - -DoMiNaToR-
right now? by Curious Match Curious - -DoMiNaToR-
when? by -DoMiNaToR- Match Curious - -DoMiNaToR-