Sax Cup /  Final

Игра HerB - -DoMiNaToR-

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#12 GeDiRcOHOwN 27.01.2016 16:49
Domi is Best
herb coward
i Possibility dont come in final
#11 boycah 24.01.2016 17:51
-2 #10 HerB 24.01.2016 17:30
ggs played terrible lol
+1 #9 -DoMiNaToR- 24.01.2016 17:29
ggs wp
#8 HerB 23.01.2016 09:25
cool, confirmed 1pm GMT sunday. could do earlier too if possible, give me a message on skype
#7 -DoMiNaToR- 23.01.2016 02:12
k sunday 1pm gmt is cool
#6 HerB 21.01.2016 19:21
lets play this saturday or sunday anytime from 9am GMT to 1pm GMT. i'm awaiting on ur reply.