Fast Cup #5 /  Play-Off

Игра GeN MasteR - -DoMiNaToR-

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+1 #21 -DoMiNaToR- 06.06.2015 03:49
4-2. I didn't really try at all.
+1 #20 DustyRhodes 05.06.2015 07:42
JUST ONE DAY TO PLAY. And bb genmaster
#19 -ShaGGer^ 05.06.2015 00:03
genmaster cant post anything for some reason he doesnt know...
i should tell you guys that dominator came let master wait 30 mins and then didnt show up to play...
#18 -DoMiNaToR- 04.06.2015 15:55
gen master when we play?

If im online tonight, I might try to find you in GR or skype.
#17 ReLiC 04.06.2015 14:07
They played some games, which gen master refused to be counted as tournament games...

And the fact that he cannot write in here is big shit...i call it dodging.
#16 ZaRz 04.06.2015 12:44
facepalm. dominator write him plz then play
#15 B4D-B0Y 04.06.2015 03:10
genmaster told me he cant post any comment in here...i shall tell you he is ready all day and waiting for dominator...@do minator maybe you contact him in gameranger, there he should be online most of the time

edit: he also telling me, dominator didnt show up yesterday or the previous day while genmaster was waiting for him all day.