Easy GeneraL 2 /  Easy GeneraL 2

Игра -ShaGGer^ - iiMAN

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#7 -ShaGGer^ 23.02.2015 21:03
Well played guided with big luck iiMAN
#6 -ShaGGer^ 23.02.2015 19:44
Im here till 22:00 GMT if u able to play write me on skype or here :)
#5 -ShaGGer^ 23.02.2015 19:31
i added u on skype
#4 DustyRhodes 23.02.2015 19:21
iiman in final ;-)
#3 Vitalik.UA 23.02.2015 13:36
Shagger , he asks when you can play?
#2 Boshy 23.02.2015 13:34
Он немец
iiman 21:00
shagger 19:00
You can play at this time?
#1 iiMAN 23.02.2015 13:12
можно сегодня. до 22 по мск
ты как??