Fast Cup #11 /  Play-off

Игра -Rob^xD` - CrusherBG

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#13 DustyRhodes 14.04.2016 22:26
Crusher, come online now please
#12 DustyRhodes 14.04.2016 22:25
Where r u?
#11 CrusherBG 14.04.2016 22:21
Are you coming man? I'm gonna go to bed soon.
#10 CrusherBG 14.04.2016 21:47
I'm here. Watching dominator's stream. Note if you are here. I will check per 5-10 mins.
#9 CrusherBG 14.04.2016 16:16
I will try be be online at 10 pm.
#8 -Rob^xD` 14.04.2016 13:19
I can play now or 22:00
#7 DustyRhodes 14.04.2016 12:39
Crusher, can u play at 10 o'clock (+3 GMT)?
If u can, just tell rob about it on skype. Please.