
1v1 League. Shockwave 1.2 /  Play-off

Игра -DoMiNaToR- - SpeCoV1k

-DoMiNaToR- SpeCoV1k



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#4 SpeCoV1k 01.05.2016 16:54
idk way me still not discvalificied =/ more than half a month has passed, it's not even funny.
#3 -DoMiNaToR- 24.04.2016 14:13
#2 -DoMiNaToR- 15.04.2016 20:49
Today (friday) after 21 GMT. Sure I'll be waiting.
#1 SpeCoV1k 15.04.2016 00:07
Hi. I have duplicates it on you PM on and Scype. I'm free on Sunday evening (after 21:00 GMT) on Monday I am completely free.
today and tomorrow (Friday and Saturday) so I'm free after 21:00 on GMT. But'm dead tired after work, so I can not promise I'll be ready for my loss in these two days.