
1vs1 Shockwave Tournament Desert /  Play-Off

Игра -DoMiNaToR- - DustyRhodes

-DoMiNaToR- DustyRhodes



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Комментарии от Ангела (18+)

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#4 DustyRhodes 20.01.2016 10:03
today? It will be better if you will write me on skype
#3 -DoMiNaToR- 19.01.2016 22:04
hi when we play?
#2 -DoMiNaToR- 14.01.2016 13:19
I can only play before 17:00 GMT on weekends. So this saturday anytime.
#1 DustyRhodes 13.01.2016 16:55
It's desirable to play before 5 gmt.
Write me on Skype.