Sax Cup /  Final

Игра SKAT9060 - -DoMiNaToR-

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#10 SKAT9060 02.01.2016 12:17
GO? today
#9 -DoMiNaToR- 28.12.2015 19:22
I am online now.

Or yes can play 2nd January sure
#8 SKAT9060 28.12.2015 17:17
play the second of January, can you?
#7 SKAT9060 28.12.2015 14:14
I could play from the start of the tournament! If you had said that he was leaving, I would have left then! And let the judges decide!
#6 SKAT9060 28.12.2015 14:12
I left yesterday! Where have you been all this time? It was possible Unsubscribe! In the end, I still and will remain guilty?
#5 -DoMiNaToR- 28.12.2015 04:41
hi, I can play all day 28th Dec (today for me).

Message me on sykpe when ur online - xenomorphuk
#4 SKAT9060 26.12.2015 23:50