NuKe MirroR Tourny ! /  Play Off !

Игра -ShaGGer^ - SpeCoV1k

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#7 Curious 02.08.2015 19:17
weteran why u give zarz free win? he didnt ask me about that if u dq then do it for both
#6 weteran^ 02.08.2015 19:08
#5 SpeCoV1k 02.08.2015 18:59
hey! i online 5 hours - and teh.lose me((
#4 -ShaGGer^ 02.08.2015 14:13
okay im here he offline...i try to play this but im not here the whole day
#3 -ShaGGer^ 01.08.2015 10:25
okay then we play on sunday
#2 SpeCoV1k 01.08.2015 01:00
I accepted the request.
tomorrow I'll be online after approximately 20-21 pm time of Stuttgart (and from that moment on the network will be in three or four hours)
on Sunday I will appear online periodically for all day.
#1 -ShaGGer^ 31.07.2015 19:01
write me back in skype which times you can play