1V1 UnReaL Tournament ! /  Play Off !

Игра realityy - asus

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#12 asus 10.07.2015 00:15
с рандомом не повезло =\
#11 realityy 09.07.2015 08:49
Цитирую DustyRhodes:
Reality dodged asus, wow tech loss for asus, wow

we arranged a time to play our games but he wasnt there I can share all of my skype conversations .. I think thats why he got techloss and now he is keep sending messages to me to play tournament games and I will play with him as soon as Im available and I also can take my tech loss it isnt important for me. whatever ..
#10 DustyRhodes 08.07.2015 06:20
Reality dodged asus, wow tech loss for asus, wow
#9 asus 08.07.2015 01:14
I do not agree with a forfeit loss! I'm ready to play!
#8 asus 08.07.2015 01:10
why me tech.loss ??? me readY!??
#7 realityy 07.07.2015 12:38
w8ing for u
#6 weteran^ 06.07.2015 16:12
Цитирую asus:
tired of waiting...

lol asus he waiting for response on skype !