Fast Cup #6 /  Play-Off

Игра -DoMiNaToR- - ichkeria

-DoMiNaToR- ichkeria



1 0
Тех. поражение

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#9 -DoMiNaToR- 08.06.2015 22:11
its 1-0, then he disconnected and dodged re. And he cant even speak english
#8 ichkeria 08.06.2015 21:16
Че ты мозг ебешь я тебе написал в скайпе и ты ничего не ответил......
#7 DustyRhodes 08.06.2015 20:08
они сыграют
#6 ZaRz 08.06.2015 19:20
so? today is the last day for games
#5 -DoMiNaToR- 08.06.2015 15:07
can you play tonight? I've been online and haven't seen you and no reply from you on skype?
#4 ichkeria 07.06.2015 01:29
sunday 13:00 msk
#3 -DoMiNaToR- 06.06.2015 20:47
I can play Saturday and sunday.

what time on Monday? I can only play from 18:00 GMT ++++